Policy on Website Accessibility
It is the policy of Borinquen Medical Centers (“Borinquen”) to ensure that our health programs or activities provided through electronic and information technology are accessible to individuals with disabilities; including the blind and visually impaired.
While we strive to make our website fully accessible, our pages may not always pass all online testing or validation tools. For example, our approach to using image alternate text attributes includes keeping redundancies to a minimum, so we will sometimes opt to use empty alt attributes rather than duplicate content on the page.
Borinquen also urges its third-party vendors to provide accessible content on its websites and will consider ADA compliance when selecting third-party vendors. However, there may be some third-party content appearing on our website which may be outside of our ability to control.
As we continue to make improvements in the functionality of our website and digital content, we will continue to review our policy to ensure that it reflects Borinquen’s efforts and commitment to accessibility and inclusion. Our Policy is managed by Borinquen’s Information Technology, Compliance, & Legal Departments.
For direct inquiries and assistance about access to Borinquen’s services, please call our ADA coordinator at 786-260-6200 or email us at adacoordinator@borinquenhealth.org.
Questions or concerns about the accessibility of our website should be directed to Borinquen by email to accessibilityfeedback@borinquenhealth.org.