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Mind/Body Wellness Group and Smoking Cessation:
Contact: Glory Ann Zapata 305-576-1599 ext. 1803
To schedule an appointment for Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) or Intensive Outpatient (IOP) Contact Rosalie Cruz at ext. 1808
Support Group Rules
- Be on time
a. 9:30 AM -9:45 AM; Break -15 minute 10:15 AM – 10:30 AM (snack); End at 11:30 AM - No mobile phones.
- Do not use alcohol or drugs before attending group. If we suspect that someone is under the influence we will ask them to leave.
- Violent behavior or the use of violence will not be allowed at any time, under any circumstance in the group.
- Food will be allowed during the break only
- Confidentiality. Everything discussed will be treated with respect for the participants’ privacy. What is said in the group stays in the group.
- Respect individual choices, feelings and experiences. We share feelings and experiences just as they are. There are no right or wrong statements. The sharing that takes place is a gift to everyone in the room.
- Take responsibility. Each person knows what is best for them, and therefore carries the primary responsibility for their well-being during the group. If at any time you need to leave or take a break, for any reason, they are free to do so.
- Be supportive, appreciative and non-judgmental. Everyone’s presence is appreciated and can be a source of healing for others. No one is required to speak during the meeting. Listening is a gift, too. Silence is acceptable.
- Learn from each other. No individual problem solving. Individuals can learn from one another’s experiences to solve their own problems.
- Listen respectfully. Only one person may speak at time. Do not interrupt. When a person speaks, listen actively, with the goal of relating others experiences to your own.
The group is a safe place where you can share feelings, and obtain support, information, and encouragement. The group is broadly defined. It is…
It flows with the participants’ needs and interests, respectfully & kindly!!
Breaking these rules may result in permanent dismissal from group.